
Every client is unique and therefore has unique investment objectives. Our goal is to build a portfolio that is in line with those objectives and flexible enough to adjust as their goals and objectives change over time.


Actively Managed Stock Selection 

  • We select managers who buy high-quality, undervalued stocks and hold them until the market recognizes their full value. The managers we choose must be committed to embracing the thorough research required to uncover the opportunities that the market does not fully appreciate. 

  • They must also have an investment process that helps manage their emotions when the market is entirely against them. Our shared definition of risk is "permanent loss of capital". Along with our managers, we do not consider volatility to be a risk, but rather a great opportunity.

  • We spend a great deal of time understanding the managers' investment philosophy and their process of managing portfolios. We regularly meet with the managers to ensure they follow their investment process.



Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF's)/Indexed Funds

  • One of the tools we use for our clients is exchange-traded funds or ETF's.

  • These low-cost investment funds are attractive to our fee conscious clients who want access to publicly traded stocks without the added cost of active management.

  • When putting together a portfolio and, more specifically, the publicly traded portion, we often use a blend of active managers and ETF's.



Private Investments

  • Most investors think they are diversified because they have a mix of publicly traded stocks and bonds, and depending on their age or appetite for volatility, a blend of both, increasing to bonds as they get closer to retirement.

  • Alternative investments have traditionally been used by the ultra-high net worth and pension funds. However, these are now available to retail clients.

  • We expand the horizon to include the use of Private Equity, Private Debt, and Private Real Estate, to name a few. 

  • Adding these investments to our clients’ portfolios when the fit is right does an excellent job in reducing the portfolio's overall volatility without sacrificing returns.



Insurance Solutions

  • When reviewing assets classes for an investment portfolio, specific insurance solutions should be considered for a variety of benefits.

  • Depending on the vehicle, insurance solutions can help reduce tax, reduce volatility, and play a critical role in estate planning.

  • In constructing a truly diversified portfolio, including products such as segregated mutual funds, universal life, or whole life, insurance polices should be considered an option.
